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Category Archives: Uncategorized


A Foster Teen’s Advice for Foster Parents

A Foster Teen’s Advice for Foster Parents Foster parenting is hard work that comes with lots of rewards. There is so much fulfillment in offering your home and your heart to children and teens who need them. But just as parenting doesn’t come...

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What Does “Aging Out” of Foster Care Mean?

What Does “Aging Out” of Foster Care Mean? Unfortunately, many children who enter foster care are not placed in a permanent home before they reach the maximum age to receive state assistance. Traditionally, young people still in foster care at...

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What Are Generational Child Care’s Foster Care Requirements?

Foster parents are high in demand throughout Georgia, and the opportunity to become one is open to many. However, prerequisites can differ between states and between agencies, and not everyone in Georgia is eligible to become a foster...

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Five Things a Foster Parent Can Do to Welcome a Child...

As a foster parent, welcoming a new child into your home may be an exciting experience. It can also be an overwhelming experience, especially for the foster child. While welcoming a foster child can elicit a range of emotions, these five tips will...

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3 Tips for Parenting a Teen in Foster Care

When it comes to teens in foster care, the statistics can be sobering: Only 58% of teenagers in foster care live with a family Over 20,000 “age out” of the system without being adopted or reunited with family When you begin your journey as...

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