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Ways to Honor the Birth and Foster Parent Partnership

Foster parenting is a noble endeavor that brings several challenges and tons of rewards. It allows you to welcome a child in need into your home, give them the care and attention they require, and provide a safe and stable place to live until they...

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Things to Consider Before Becoming a Foster Parent

Have you been thinking about becoming a foster parent in Georgia? Whether it’s a new thought you’ve had or one that you have been contemplating for a while now, we appreciate your willingness to consider it and encourage you to begin your...

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Foster dad and foster son playing together on the monkey bars

Fun Activities to Do With Your Foster Child

When you welcome a foster child into your home, you hope that the transition goes as smoothly as possible for them and your own family, as well. Considering the nature of foster care and the difficult circumstances that typically come with removing...

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5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Your First Foster Care...

This is it. You’ve registered to become a foster parent, passed all the checks, completed the training, and now you are about to welcome a child in need of shelter and stability into your home. First of all, congratulations are in order! We know...

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What Are Foster Parents Not Allowed to Do? Discover the Rules

When it comes to foster care and foster parenting, there are certain dos and don’ts that you need to keep in mind. Rules and guidelines exist in the foster care system for the protection of the children involved, their families, and also for...

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What to Expect During Your First Year as a Foster Parent

The thought of welcoming a foster child into your home may conjure up many different feelings—it could stir up excitement, nerves, hopefulness, uncertainty, and plenty of other emotions all at once. And while you can prepare for the change coming...

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